
Why install a virtual battery?

August 1, 2024
3 minutes
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In 2021, installed solar capacity in the world grew significantly. It reached around 942 GW*, setting a new record. This increase of 175 GW over a single year testifies to the enthusiasm for energy autonomy and sustainable production.

Virtual batteries appears to be an innovative solution to further optimize this search for autonomy by users. With its flagship product - MySmartBattery - advanced solar energy management offers. We take stock in this article.

What is a virtual battery?

A virtual battery makes it possible to store the excess energy produced by its solar panels in the public network rather than in a physical battery. In other words, this technology makes it possible to make surplus production profitable. This concept, also called “cloud battery” gold “Battery on the Cloud”, is distinguished by its use of the electrical network as storage space.

How does a virtual battery work?

When a solar system produces more energy than needed, the excess is transferred to the public grid through a contract with an energy supplier. The injected energy can be used when solar production is lower. This ensures a constant and effective diet. This mechanism optimizes the use of renewable resources for the producer, but also for the rest of the network.

The benefits of virtual batteries

Optimization of self-consumption

Virtual batteries Optimize solar self-consumption By allowing users to consume their excess solar energy at any time. So, even at night and in winter, they function like physical batteries.

However, they offer greater flexibility and scalability than the latter. For example, it is possible to adapt your energy needs to daily uses. Capacity limits can be changed easily and there is no deterioration to be expected over time.

Financial savings

Virtual batteries are major assets for achieving significant savings, for two main reasons.

First of all, they eliminate the high costs of installing and maintaining physical batteries, while offering equivalent services.

Then, they reduce your bills and accelerate the return on investment of your solar installation. Even if this does not represent direct savings, using a virtual battery involves a low and fixed monthly amount that is easier to manage on a daily basis.

In summary, virtual farms are a more profitable, reliable and less restrictive solution. This increased profitability frees up financial resources for other investments, whether energy or personal.

Environmental impact

Virtual batteries promote the use of renewable energies and actively support the energy transition. This approach promotes a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

Opting for this technology also limits the need for raw materials and the recycling efforts associated with the production and use of physical batteries.

MySmartBattery: The Innovative Solution from Mylight150

MySmartBattery is the virtual battery developed by mylight150. It allows you to store the excess energy produced by your installation starting at €15 per month and to benefit from numerous advantages.

Flexibility and scalability

Our solution adapts to your energy needs, adjusting the capacity monthly and annually for tailor-made use.

Economy and Profitability

You can save up to 80% on your bills. MySmartBattery will also offer you a better return on investment on your solar installation (6 to 8 years), while fully exploiting your excess energy.

Optimal use of energy

Store excess energy during the day and summer, and reuse it for free at night and in winter. You can maximize your self-consumption up to 100%!

Safety and sustainability

Our virtual battery eliminates the constraints and maintenance costs of physical batteries, offering a safer and more sustainable solution.

Professional Support and Follow-up

Benefit from the expertise of mylight150, with more than 30,000 satisfied households. Our customer service, located in France, is available by phone five days a week. It ensures your peace of mind from installation to activation, as well as for daily monitoring.

Towards even more autonomy!

Virtual farms represent a significant advance inOptimization of Solar Self-Consumption. By choosing the Good Energy Storage Solution, users can maximize their savings and contribute to an overall reduction in carbon footprint.

To summarize,

What is a virtual battery?

A virtual battery stores excess solar energy in the public grid rather than in a physical battery.

How does a virtual battery work?

Excess energy produced by solar panels is fed into the public grid and can be reused when solar production is insufficient.

What are the advantages of a virtual battery?

The benefits include optimizing self-consumption, financial savings, and a reduced carbon footprint.

Why choose MySmartBattery?

MySmartBattery offers a flexible, economical and maintenance free solution, thus optimizing the management of solar energy.


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