
Photovoltaics, more than energy, a vision for the future

July 22, 2024
1 minute
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Again, the RTE Electricity Transport Network Publish a Rich Report In lessons about our energy future. Chapter 7 of its 2023 forecast report is devoted to greenhouse gas emissions. Renewable Electricity at the Heart of Our Climate Goals

According to RTE, the expansion of renewables is crucial to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the energy sector. By integrating low-carbon solutions, we are taking an essential step towards achieving our climate ambitions.

The reduction of European emissions thanks to photovoltaics

The RTE report illustrates how the increased adoption of photovoltaics can significantly reduce CO2 emissions from the electrical system, not only in France but also across Europe. For example, in France, the increase in photovoltaic installations has the potential to drastically reduce the use of fossil fuels:

“The challenge for France is therefore not to decarbonize its electricity mix but to make it grow to support new electrical uses that are called to replace fossil fuels. The development of low-carbon production will mainly aim to enable the electrification of uses and their decarbonization: an increase in low-carbon production by 80 TWh to support the electrification of uses will make it possible to avoid the emission of 50 MtCO2eq, in substitution for fossil fuels.”

Economic and ecological advantages of photovoltaics

Investing in photovoltaics does not only offer environmental benefits, but also economic ones. By exporting photovoltaic electricity to our European neighbors, we not only support our own economic growth but also help other nations to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels.

An electrified and sustainable future

RTE's findings reaffirm our belief that photovoltaic energy is not only necessary to meet growing demand but is also essential for an environmentally friendly energy transition. As actors in this transformation, we are proud to contribute to this movement towards a clean and prosperous energy future.

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