
Toulouse Regional Metropolis bonus: how to benefit from assistance to install your solar panels?

October 24, 2024
2 minutes
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With the climate emergency and the rise in energy costs, Toulouse Métropole is committed to the energy transition by offering a local help for the installation of solar panels. This solar premium facilitates access to self-consumption or injection solutions, whether for individual or collective installations. By opting for a installation by mylight150, you not only benefit from this help, but also from personalized support to maximize your solar potential.

Presentation of the Toulouse Métropole solar premium

Toulouse Métropole's solar premium is a financial aid covering 25% of the installation's tax-free amount, capped at €15,000 per project for photovoltaic panels. This aid is available to residents of the 37 municipalities of Toulouse Métropole, which have around 800,000 residents.

It is part of the Territorial Climate Air Energy Plan voted in June 2019 and reinforced by the 2020 Recovery Plan, aimed at accelerating the energy transition and supporting local crafts.

Only installations carried out by professionals with the RGE QualiPV label, such as photovoltaic panels or solar water heaters, are eligible. The installation must be carried out on buildings that are more than two years old.

Examples of aids for a photovoltaic installation:

For a 6 kWp installation, the national average cost estimated by ADEME is €11,900 excluding VAT. This allows you to benefit from a maximum of €2,975 in aid.
For a 9 kWp installation, with an average cost of €16,200 excluding VAT, the aid can reach €4,050.

Finally, for a 14 kWp installation, whose average cost is estimated at €25,200 excluding VAT, the aid could amount to €6,300.

The conditions to benefit from the solar premium in Toulouse Métropole

Who can benefit from it?

Owners who are residents of the 37 municipalities of Toulouse Métropole can claim this assistance for their main or secondary residence. Local businesses and associations can also benefit from this support. The installations must meet strict technical criteria and be carried out by RGE certified professionals to guarantee the quality of the work. Injection or self-consumption solutions on the roof, shade or on the ground are eligible, as are solar water heaters, but for the latter, the aid is capped at €1,000 (i.e. €300/m²).

The administrative procedures to follow

The procedures are simple: all you have to do is submit an online request via the Toulouse Métropole platform: A notification will be sent to you once the file has been processed, and the bonus will be awarded after validation of the work by the instructor service. You will then receive a bank transfer covering 25% of the costs, up to a limit of €15,000. The request for a connection must be made before the aid is granted to avoid conflicts with national aid. Note that only installations of less than 300 kWp in total are eligible for this bonus.

Why choose mylight150 to install your solar panels in Toulouse?

A turnkey solution to maximize your savings

mylight150 accompanies you at each stage of the installation of your solar panels, whether on the roof or in the shade. Thanks to our expertise and our solutions such as MySmartBattery, we guarantee you an optimized installation and a faster return on investment. We also take care of obtaining all available assistance, adapted to your project. With mylight150, you maximize your savings while benefiting from a complete and personalized service.

Compatibility of mylight150 solutions with the regional bonus

At mylight150, we offer high quality photovoltaic panels, including advanced technologies such as panels bi-facial and heterojunction, which guarantee optimal profitability and sustainability. Although these technologies may be more expensive to purchase, the regional solar premium offsets some of this initial investment. This makes the installation more accessible while offering a high-end and efficient solution for your home. With mylight150, you benefit from an installation that maximizes your savings and ensures long-term performance, while meeting the criteria for eligibility for local aid.

Take advantage of the bonus now!

The Toulouse Métropole regional bonus is an excellent opportunity to install quality solar panels at a lower cost. With mylight150, you benefit from a turnkey solution, from installation to obtaining assistance. Take advantage of it now by requesting a quote from a mylight15 partner installer0 to contribute to the energy transition while reducing your bills.

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